Christine Garvey
Boundary Creatures; Terminal 136 Installation; 2019, mixed media
Describe your artistic style in three words.
Playful. Absurd. Grotesque.
What's inspiring you right now?
The transformation I see happening in art education!
What do you do when you're feeling uninspired?
Go for a walk on the greenbelt. See an amazing museum show. Eat a croissant. And if I can.. go "church hunting" in Italy.
Tell us something unique about your process.
I love to start with drawing from observation.
What advice do you have for other artists?
Lower your expectations of your creative output. It will keep you sane.
Anything else you'd like to share?
Thanks for creating this space Big Medium!
The Magician, 2019, Hydrocal, synthetic hair, crystal
The Magician, 2019, detail
Boundary Creature – Hand, 2019, foam, tar, pins, fingernails
Bride, 2019, foam, tar, pins, spray paint
Girl (smoked), 2019, collage, foam, pins, paint
Handler, 2019, foam, string, tar, plaster, pins
Hex at MASS Gallery, 2019, mixed media sculptural installation
Hex, 2019, detail
Rotten Little Fruits at MASS Gallery, 2019, installation
Christine Garvey is an artist based in Austin, TX. Her paintings and installations have been exhibited internationally, including exhibitions with Galerie Circulaire (Montreal), Sur La Montagne Galerie (Berlin), Jules Maidoff Gallery (Florence), International Print Center (New York), MASS Gallery (Austin) and the Contemporary Austin (forthcoming).