Creative and Business Partners open call Extended!

Creative and Business Partners are local design or architectural firms, restaurants, coffee shops, retail spaces, galleries, showrooms, and other businesses that directly support the Austin Studio Tour by purchasing a branded listing in the tour catalog, website and mobile app: the go-to resources for creatives, makers, artists, collectors, and art enthusiasts year-round. These organizations directly support the local art community by providing vital innovation and funds that keep tour programming free and accessible to the public. In turn, Big Medium provides marketing opportunities and materials that encourage tour attendees to patronize those who partake and support the incredible art and artists that our city has to offer. 

As part of your support for the Austin Studio Tour, all Creative and Business Partners receive: 

  • Official graphic to help you promote your participation on your channels 

  • Official Austin Studio Tour sign recognizing Partners 

  • Listing in the Austin Studio Tour digital catalog, map (10,000 printed and distributed), website and digital map (100,000+ unique visitors), and mobile app (12,000 users and growing!) 

  • Social media recognition Instagram (24,000+ followers) 

  • Eligible to receive a 15% discount on select advertising in the catalog. Reserve your ad space here.

Changes this year:

Exhibiting Artists

Spaces looking to host for artists can opt for Big Medium’s assistance in connecting artists to feature, or curate independently. *If your space is soliciting Big Medium’s service the deadline to apply and request this option is July 20, 2024. 

Venue Listing • vs • Creative and Business Partner Options

Venue Listing ($300)

Please note that for this option, the artist will be the one featured, with only your brand listed as a host under the Artist Listing. ( E.g. Shea Little, Big Medium, Untitled, Mixed Media, 12 x 12”.)

Online presence can include venue/brand name, address, short description, website and regular hours.

Creative and Business Partner ($500)

Receive your own listing with artists profile links under “at this location” (Includes: brand name, address, short description, contact info, and featured photo) 

Partner name included in artist profile under venue

To be paired with an artist request deadline July 20, 2024

Business Partner listing only deadline July 31, 2024 — EXTENDED TO SEPTEMBER 29, 2024.

If you have any questions or want to support the Austin Studio Tour through sponsorship, please contact Paloma Mayorga at

  • Austin Studio Tour 2023 — Creative and Business Partners

    Point of Contact

    For internal use only. Please let us know who to be in touch with.

    Name *

    Email *

    Phone *

    Address *

    About Your Brand

    This information will be used for the public listing.

    Brand Name *

    Brand Email

    Brand Phone

    Brand Address


    Preferred Social Media 

    Category *

    Select all that apply


    Restaurants, coffee shops, bars, caterers, etc.


    Architecture and design firms, non-retail showrooms, schools, publications, etc.


    Retail shops, showrooms, online stores, etc.


    If you don’t feel any of the above categories represent your services, please select this option. 

    About *

    Describe what your brand does year round. 60 words maximum.

    Will you be hosting any artists, either physically in your space during the tour dates? *

    If you have identified the artists participating in your space, please provide their names and email address so that we can connect them to you. 

    Creative and Business Partners have the option of supporting their artists for a reduced fee of $100 per artist (Regular participation fee is $200). If you’d like us to invoice you directly, let us know here, and we’ll contact your artist with a special code that allows them to forgo payment. 

    If you’d like Big Medium to connect you with artists, please make that selection and comment if they’re paying for their fee or if you are, keep in mind that if you require of pairing, the deadline to submit this application and request is June 27 since Big Medium would need to find artists, and they would have to apply before the July 13 deadline. 

    If you are not hosting artists, please enter N/A. 

    If you are not already hosting artists, are you interested in being connected to artists looking for venues?

    ☑ Yes, please connect me to artists.

    ☑ Yes, but I don’t need Big Medium to connect me to artists

    ☑ No, thank you.


    This image will be used on the Austin Studio Tour website, app, catalog, and social media.

    Image for Featured Listing *

    Image specifications: Horizontal orientation preferred, set resolution at 300 PPI / DPI, color mode set to CMYK. Accepted file formats are JPG, PDF and TIFF. NO LOGOS PLEASE.

    Terms of Use *

    While we encourage tour-goers to frequent the generous businesses that sign up to support the tour, we strongly recommend that our Creative and Business Partners promote their participation and presence through their own websites and social media platforms as well. Big Medium will provide Austin Studio Tour graphics package for you to use at your discretion. Designation as a Creative and Business Partner does not guarantee an increase in sales during the days of the event. Thank you for being a part of the tour — we are grateful for your support of the local arts community!

    ☑ I agree with Terms of Use